ADL Blog

Assemblymember Nily Rozic Hosts ADL Briefing on Next Steps to Addressing Hate & Anti-Semitism 

On March 15th, ADL New York Senior Associate Director Melanie Robbins briefed 40 New York State legislators on the findings from the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) recent audit of anti-Semitic incidents. The briefing was hosted by Assemblymember Nily Rozic, who has proposed a new bill to mandate hate crime prevention and recognition training for law enforcement.” We appreciate the opportunity to meet with New York leadership to discuss how

ADL NextGen Families Hosts First Ever Purim Carnival!

On Sunday, our New York NextGen Philanthropy Community hosted our first NextGen Families Purim Carnival; a day filled with celebration and learning. A special thank you to our NextGen Families Co-Chair, Amy Bakst for her dedication, passion and inspirational leadership, without which this event would not have been possible. We would also like to thank Roaine Fine of Itty Bitty Boppers for

ADL Celebrates Peace December

On Monday, December 18th, ADL Next Generation Outreach Network partnered with the New York Peace Coalition and Peace December as part of their annual celebration of the month of December as a month of peace. Sheikh Musa Drammeh sent us an inspiring message at our Peace December panel event: “If you change one mind, you can change the world. It only takes one person to change the world.” ADL