Press Release

ADL Urges NY Court to Reinstate 2009 Hate Crime Conviction

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has joined a friend of court brief  urging the New York Court of Appeals to reinstate the 2009 conviction of Dwight DeLee, who was found guilty of first-degree manslaughter as a hate crime in the 2008 shooting death in Syracuse, New York of Lateisha Green, a transgender woman. DeLee was convicted of first-degree manslaughter as a hate

ADL: Government Sponsored Religious Favoritism “Simply Unacceptable”

 The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has joined a friend of court brief to the United States Supreme Court asserting that religious invocations at town council meetings are “simply unacceptable” and violate the Establishment Clause to the First Amendment. In this important new church-state case, Greece v. Galloway, the court will revisit the constitutionality of legislative prayer for the first time in

ADL Condemns Assault of Sikh Professor

 September 23, 2013 The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today condemned an apparent hate crime against Dr. Prabhjot Singh, a professor at Columbia University. The attack occurred near 110th Street and Lenox Avenue on Saturday evening where a small mob of more than a dozen people reportedly beat the professor while making references to Osama Bin Laden and terrorism. “We are shocked

ADL: Anti-Gay Hate Crime in Queens “Tragic and Appalling”

  The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today reacted to the murder of a Queens man who was stabbed to death near Elmhurst and Roosevelt Avenue because, police believe, his attacker thought he was gay.   The League condemned the deadly anti-gay attack as “tragic and appalling.”  Steven Torres, 22, allegedly attacked Ever Orozco, 69, on September 16 while yelling anti-gay epithets.

ADL Announces Appointment of Evan R. Bernstein as New York Regional Director

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) announced the appointment of Evan R. Bernstein as Director of the League’s New York Regional Office. Mr. Bernstein joins ADL with extensive experience in operations, development and leadership at several major Jewish and Israeli communal organizations. Most recently, he served as the Executive Director for the American Friends of Midgal Ohr and previously was National Director