Fighting Hate For Good: 2018 ADL NY/NJ Highlights

  • November 9, 2018

More than 100 years after ADL was founded, we are bearing witness to a rise of hatred and anti-Semitism unmatched in recent decades. ADL, along with our community of supporters and partners, recognizes the necessity of our work in preventing this bias and injustice from becoming normalized.

This year, under the banner of a newly unified New York/New Jersey Region, ADL has expanded our reach by enhancing our educational programming and increasing the number of trainings and initiatives provided for our law enforcement and community partners. With dedicated lay leaders and a talented regional staff, we plan to drive initiatives further cementing ADL New York/New Jersey as the region’s
premier organization combatting anti-Semitism and all forms of hate.

We are committed to Fighting Hate For Good and serving as a powerful voice against discrimination and injustice. Though we know the world will continue to change and challenge us, I am confident ADL will remain steadfast in the tireless pursuit of our mission — to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment to all.


With appreciation,

Evan R. Bernstein
ADL New York/New Jersey Regional Director