Blog Archives

Antisemitism Uncovered: A Guide to Old Myths in a New Era

ADL released Antisemitism Uncovered: A Guide to Old Myths in a New Era. This comprehensive and important resource addresses questions and provides tools for understanding and changing the antisemitic narrative. Antisemitism Uncovered focuses on seven of the most prominent antisemitic tropes that plague our society; power, dual loyalty, greed, deicide, the blood libel, Holocaust denialism, and anti-Zionism or delegitimization of Israel. The guide

Backspace Hate™

Online hate stokes fear, silences voices and causes harm to people’s personal and professional lives. Backspace Hate™ is ADL’s initiative supporting victims and targets of online hate and harassment by raising awareness and passing legislation to better hold perpetrators accountable for their actions online. When harassment pushes targets offline, perpetrators spew hateful messages and silence valuable voices. It’s time to

No Hate. No Fear. Solidarity March in NYC

Thank you for everyone who joined us January 5th, 2020 on foot and followed us online at #FightHateForGood as we marched through the streets of New York — proud, united and strong. ADL was on the front lines, in solidarity against antisemitism with communities across the country and partners in this fight. An estimated 25,000 people marched across the Brooklyn


Stand up against hate: #ShareTheLight At Hanukkah, we traditionally celebrate light. This year, we saw darkness after an attack in Monsey, NY at the home of a rabbi. Jews everywhere should be safe from violence. There have been a surge of anti-Semitic attacks in the New York and New Jersey area and ADL calls for increased protection for the Jewish