Blog Archives

Profiles in Leadership: The Glass Leadership Institute Class of 2015

ADL New York was proud to host a graduation ceremony on June 2nd to celebrate this year’s Glass Leadership Institute (GLI) class. The GLI is a nationally recognized leadership development program for a select group of young professionals. Over the course of nine months, GLI members participate in 10 interactive sessions lead by ADL professionals on  a broad range of ADL topics,

Anti-Semitic Incidents on College Campuses in 2015

After the alarm­ing anti-Semitic inci­dent at UCLA ear­lier this year, the national discussion about the prob­lem of anti-Semitism on col­lege cam­puses continues. While such inci­dents are cer­tainly dis­turb­ing, it is important to note that these inci­dents are rel­a­tively rare, and the vast major­ity of Jew­ish stu­dents report feeling safe on their cam­puses. When such inci­dents do occur, they are gen­er­ally

#MyADLStory: 2015 National Leadership Summit

A blog by Brooke Feldman, 2015 National Leadership Summit Participant and Glass Leader: A week ago, I was sitting on a train, on my way to Washington D.C. to attend my first ADL Summit. As a Glass Leadership Institute participant, I was prepped with information on what the Summit brings to a young professional like myself and how it will

Young Leaders from New York at ADL’s 2015 National Leadership Summit

Each year, hundreds of leaders from across the country join together at ADL’s National Leadership Summit to learn how to advance the League’s mission of “stopping the defamation of the Jewish people and securing justice and fair treatment to all.” The 2015 Summit, held May 3-5 in Washington, D.C., brought together world leaders, foreign policy experts and civil rights luminaries to brief

Profile in Leadership: Rebecca Shomair

Name: Rebecca Shomair Community: NY Region (moved to San Francisco Region in May 2015) ADL Roles: 2012- current: Founder & Chair of ADL ArtWorks (save the date for NYC event June 4) 2014 – 2015: NY Regional Board member 2014 – 2015: 2020 Member and Marketing Chair 2009 – 2015: NGP Board Member 2009 & 2010 – Imagine Gala Committee