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Profile In Leadership: Lawrence W. Bahr

  • March 28, 2014

Name: Lawrence W. Bahr  
Chappaqua, New York

Occupation: Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley

1. How did you get involved with ADL?

I first got involved shortly after 9/11. I wanted to see how I could make a difference in the battle against hate and prejudice. ADL was exactly what I was looking for- an organization that went beyond fundraising to directly affect change. I quickly got involved with the Steinberg Leadership Institute and subsequently was part of the initial movement to organize a Young Professionals Division.

2. What does ADL mean to you?

ADL means never remaining silent and taking a stand against bullies.  When facing a situation of hate, neutrality is simply not an option.

3. As a leader in the ADL community, how would you advise others to have a local impact in the fight against hate?

I believe that both hatred and acceptance are learned behaviors. So the most immediate thing anyone can do is lead by example.  Beyond that, the beauty of  ADL is that there are so many programs being rolled out both locally and nationally. So if someone is looking to get involved, they should contact their local chapter or national headquarters if they don’t know where the closest chapter is.

As a father of a 2 year old daughter, I wish that she never experiences anti-Semitism or baseless hatred of any kind.  Unfortunately, that wish is not entirely realistic. So what I can do is encourage my daughter to lead by example and stand up for those who are not in a position to defend themselves. The Anti-Defamation League has great programs that can help to arm  young people with the tools to combat bullying and actually get them to think more positively. In the coming months, I hope to spread the ADL message to the Westchester Community.