The ADL NextGeneration Advisory Board (NextGen) unites the next generation of philanthropic leaders committed to the mission of ADL – to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment to all.

NextGen connects individuals ages 22 – 40 with meaningful opportunities to contribute and advocate for the activities and programs of ADL. NextGen empowers young philanthropists to become ambassadors for ADL through a broad range of educational, community service, philanthropic and leadership programs and events.

NextGen Advisory Board
NextGen Advisory Board Co-Chair: Hunter Berman

NextGen Advisory Board Co-Chair: Benjamin M. Seigel


Ross Bauer

Juliana Bleiberg

Madeline Bloch

Kate Blumenthal

Joel Cohen

Cara David

Chloe Frank

Zach Garelik

Andrew Harris

Tom Holtz

Jodi Innerfield

Rachel Kiwi


Natalie Klyashtorny

Jesse Lazowski

Jonah Lazowski

Alyssa Malin

Marissa Nemirofsky

Kjerstin Pugh

Alison Sher

Abe Silberstein

Jordan Silversmith

Kyle Simon

Samantha Stavis


*Click here to learn more about the NextGeneration Advisory Board