
ADL NY/NJ Statement Following NYPD Hate Crimes Data Release 2022

New York, NY, January 10, 2023 … ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) expressed its outrage today, following the release of 2022 Hate Crime Data by the New York Police Department. ADL NY/NJ Regional Director, Scott A. Richman made the following statement: “We are extremely alarmed by reporting of NYPD data showing 263 antisemitic hate crime incidents in 2022. ADL New York/New

ADL Calls for Comprehensive Hate Crime Reporting in Response to Alarming Gaps in Data Collection

New York, NY, December 12, 2022… ADL NY/NJ (the Anti-Defamation League) today expressed serious concern and called on law enforcement agencies to urgently commit to hate crime data collection and reporting in the wake of newly released FBI hate crime data for 2021, which did not include huge swaths of data from some of the largest jurisdictions in the country. “We

“On the anniversary of the mass shooting in Jersey City we must fight bigotry with unity”: Scott Richman and Richard T. Smith Op-Ed in

“This shooting in Jersey City three years ago was a tragedy that never should have happened, and one that only further strengthened the formal partnership between our two organizations — the NAACP of New Jersey and ADL’s New York/New Jersey Region — to fight hatred and bigotry of all kinds. This is why we are coming together this Thursday afternoon in

ADL Urges Second Circuit to Reverse Lower Court Ruling in Case Alleging Discriminatory Efforts by Clarkstown to Thwart Purchase of Property by Orthodox Jewish School

New York, NY, December 1, 2022… ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) sought leave to file an amicus brief yesterday urging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to reverse a District Court decision that an Orthodox Jewish School did not have standing to bring its religious-discrimination and civil rights claims. The underlying case, Ateres Bais Yaakov Academy of Rockland v.