
ADL, CSI and CSS join Forces with Jewish Federations in New York and New Jersey in Coordinated Effort to Improve Communal Security

Jewish Security Alliance of NY/NJ will share intelligence, resources and training to safeguard synagogues, schools, community centers and other Jewish institutions New York, NY, March 28, 2023 … In the aftermath of a series of violent antisemitic plots threatening synagogues in New York and New Jersey, eight leading organizations serving the Jewish community in New York and New Jersey have

ADL NY/NJ and NAACP NJ State Conference Renew Joint Agreement to Fight Hate

New York, NY, January 16, 2023 … ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) of New York/New Jersey and the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) New Jersey State Conference announced today the signing of an agreement to expand efforts to collectively combat discrimination, bigotry, bullying and hate crimes in New Jersey.  The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ADL New