Building Bridges, Connecting Classrooms: Seminar for Islamic and Jewish Day School Educators
Building Bridges, Connecting Classrooms is a a unique professional development opportunity for Islamic and Jewish school educators designed by the New York Region of the Anti-Defamation League in consultation with the Islamic Schools Association of New York and other educators and religious leaders in the Jewish and Muslim communities. The program brings Jewish and Muslim teachers together to dispel stereotypes, gain accurate knowledge of each others’ faiths, and develop best practices for presenting each faith in a classroom setting.
Through Building Bridges, participants explore the main tenets of Judaism and Islam in conversations with their peers and presentations by faith leaders. The seminar permits Islam and Judaism to be understood and taught in a manner customizable to each teacher and school that ensures accuracy and highlights the strong commonalities between these faiths.
• Attend the one-day seminar
• Submit a “best lesson” six months following Building Bridges that shows how information learned during the seminar has been integrated in your classroom.
Participants will receive certificates upon completion of the seminar and may be eligible for professional development credits.