Following several recent events around the country and the world, many of us have become more concerned about security in our houses of worship and our community institutions. That’s why this morning, ADL convened along with Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and Director of Faith Based and Clergy Initiatives for Brooklyn Pastor Gil Monrose an Interfaith Security Awareness Seminar at Brooklyn Borough hall.
Today’s seminar was attended by over 100 interfaith community leaders and high level-law enforcement experts including Assistant US District Attorney for the Eastern District Nadia Shihata, Sgt. Kevin Lonergan-NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force, Supervisory Special Agent Anthony Bivona & Intellig
ence Analyst Christopher Stantzos- FBI-New York Civil Rights Division, Lt. Dave Kalin Executive Officer-NYPD Counter Terrorism. These experts were joined by Pastor Gil Monrose, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams Evan Bernstein Regional Director- ADL-New York and Etzion Neuer Deputy Director- ADL-New York.
The program addressed a range of concerns for community institutions including: threats to congregants and houses of worship, how to create a security culture, active shooter guidelines and hate crimes.
Today was a unique event, where faith leaders from across the spectrum, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and others gathered together under one roof alongside various levels of law enforcement to engage in a dialogue about security. It was a powerful event, where not only did we learn together, but today we showed that we are in this together. No one should ever be afraid to pray in their house of worship, and ADL will continue to partner with all communities to enhance our shared security.