Every week, we write a roundup of the work we’ve been doing to keep you informed on what has been happening around the office. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into what keeps us busy each day.
This week we celebrated our centennial with a summit and gala in Washington D.C. attended by over 1,000 people. Highlights included remarks by Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Eric Holder, Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren and many others, as well as video greetings from President Barak Obama, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and more. We were also active in New York, conducting a law enforcement training for New York State police, a Step Up! Assembly at an area school, speaking about Israel on campus at a synagogue and giving an anti-bullying presentation at a teachers conference. Internationally, we called on Palestinian leaders to condemn the murder of a Jewish Israeli.
Inspired by Attorney General Holder, we bear in mind that the work to combat anti-Semitism and racism “remains unfinished” and are proud to continue in our mission toward realizing a world without hate.

Vice President Joe Biden at the ADL Centennial Summit
- Attendees of the ADL Centennial Summit
- Ambassador Michael Oren addresses the ADL Summit