Support Our Work

Supporting ADL makes a powerful statement. It shows you believe in our mission and the potential for our work to change attitudes across our nation and around the world. When you support ADL, you are helping us bring about a world that is more inclusive and respectful—and safer for everyone. Thank you for standing with us in the fight against antisemitism and hate.
Donate online
Visit to easily make a gift online.
Contact ADL New York/New Jersey
To make a gift over the phone, please contact Indira Londono, Director of Development, at 347-802-6267.
Send a check
Personal checks and money orders should be made payable to ADL
New York/New Jersey and sent to:
ADL New York/New Jersey
Attn: Indira Londono
605 Third Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10158
Donate stock
Contact ADL’s Broker
Sean Kelley, UBS Financial Services Account number: UN-05079-KS
8 Wright Street, 3rd Floor DTC Number: 0221
Westport, CT 06880 Telephone: 1.800.243.4121
Please notify ADL by contacting if you intend to donate stock so we can provide you the correct forms, credit you for your gift and send the proper acknowledgments.
Recommend a grant from your donor advised fund
Visit to learn more or to navigate directly to your account. You can also schedule recurring grants.
Make a qualified contribution from your IRA
Supporters age 70½ or older can make tax-advantaged charitable gifts of up to $100,000 per year directly from their IRA. Visit
Corporate Matching Gift Program
If you would like to double your impact by utilizing your employer’s matching gift program, please contact Amelia Morris at for ADL’s EIN number and more information.
Consider a planned gift
Visit to learn more about including ADL in your will, trust, or beneficiary designation.
For more information on other ways to give click here.
Questions? Please reach out to us at 212.885.7808
Anti-Defamation League is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.