L to R: Geoffrey Crawley, ADL New York Glass Leadership Institute Recruitment and Alumni Relations Chair and New Jersey Congressmen Leonard Lance at the National Leadership Summit in Washington DC
Occupation: Vice President of Marketing for Staffing Synergies and the Pack Leader for FILLFOX. Staffing Synergies is Human Resources supplier to manufacturing, packing and light industrial companies. FILLFOX is a full-service logistics provider.
Community: Flanders, NJ
ADL Role: Glass Leadership Institute Recruitment and Alumni Relations Chair
How did you get involved in ADL?
Initially, I was exposed to the Anti-Defamation League through professional and philanthropic experiences when I lived in Chicago for 7 years. I was always impressed with the programs ADL sponsored and the efforts they championed. After I moved back to New Jersey, I was exposed again to ADL. At the invitation of Melissa Krisztal, a friend from Chicago that now lives in New York, I went to a New York Next Generation Philanthropy Community [NGPC] Outreach Network Event. At the event, I met Gabrielle Carlin and we discussed getting more involved with ADL New York Region. After doing more research and speaking with friends involved in ADL, I knew that I had to get more personally involved with the organization. Eventually, I was accepted as a member of the Glass Leadership Institute [GLI]. Now, I have the honor of joining the NGP Executive Board by serving as GLI Recruitment and Alumni Relations Chair.
What does ADL mean to you?
ADL’s mission, “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all” truly resonates with me. ADL is a wonderful organization that exposes me to exceptional individuals, tools, training, resources and research that enables me to help the world become a better place. ADL allows me to be a dreamer and doer, imagining all the people sharing a world without hate and helping to create that world each and every day.
As a leader in the ADL community, how would you advise others to have a local impact in the fight against hate?
We all must move our passionate emotions for ADL’s mission to compassionate action. We must move beyond bystanding and simply do a little bit more. More could be speaking up for fairness or fighting against anti-Semitism and racism to speaking out against bullying. By evolving our emotions to forge equally enduring actions, missions and philanthropy, we can make the world a better place.