Press Release

ADL Expresses Concern Over Distribution of Anti-Semitic Fliers in Brooklyn

New York, NY, April 16, 2017… The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today said it was deeply concerned about the recent distribution of anti-Semitic fliers in Brooklyn. According to police and media reports, an unidentified man driving a motorcycle through Williamsburg, Brooklyn on Thursday night, April 13, tossed multiple fliers replete with swastikas and anti-Semitic cartoons. Williamsburg is a heavily Jewish neighborhood, inhabited

ADL Partners with Rochester Schools and Organizations in Community-Wide Day of Action Against Hate

New York, NY, March 30, 2017 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has partnered with The Hillel Community Day School and a local Rochester-based advocacy group “ROC4Israel” to hold a full day of community programs and events to address the spread of anti-Semitism and hate that has afflicted Rochester and several communities across the state. On March 16, Middle School students

ADL Decries Hate Crime in Brooklyn Subway

New York, NY, March 8, 2017… The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today condemned a violent attack on a Hispanic man that took place last week on a southbound J train in Brooklyn, NY. According to reports, a 27-year-old man from Guatemala was riding the subway on March 1 when a fellow passenger began to accost him, allegedly hurling racist and anti-Hispanic epithets,