
ADL Concerned Over Virulent Anti-Semitism Emerging from Anti-Israel Rallies In New York

New York, NY, July 18, 2014 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today expressed concern over virulent anti-Semitic rhetoric at anti-Israel protest rallies in New York City, as the Jewish state continues to defend its citizens and cities against Hamas rockets from the Gaza Strip. A demonstration earlier this week outside the United Nations featured signs with language equating Israel with

ADL Welcomes Metropolitan Opera’s Decision to Cancel Global Simulcast of “The Death Of Klinghoffer”

New York, NY, June 17, 2014 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today welcomed the Metropolitan Opera’s decision to cancel a global simulcast of the controversial John Adams opera, “The Death of Klinghoffer,” in response to concerns that the opera’s biased portrayal of events surrounding the hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro could foment anti-Semitism globally or legitimize terrorism. ADL