
ADL Condemns Second Apparent Anti-Semitic Assault in Brooklyn in Past Two Days

New York, NY, October 16th, 2018…Today, ADL (Anti-Defamation League) condemned the most recent violent assault against a Orthodox Jewish man in Brooklyn. This attack allegedly took place yesterday in Crown Heights, just one day after the violent assault in Boro Park on Sunday. According to law enforcement, an Orthodox Jewish man suffered a seemingly unprovoked attack in Crown Heights yesterday

ADL Expresses Deep Concern After Recent Series of Assaults Against the Orthodox Jewish Community in Brooklyn

New York, NY, October 14th, 2018…Today, ADL (Anti-Defamation League) expressed deep concern following a series of violent assaults against members of the Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn this month. The most recent incident took place early this morning in Boro Park, Brooklyn.  According to reports, an Orthodox Jewish man was walking to synagogue when his attacker stopped his vehicle, ran

ADL New York / New Jersey Condemns Anti-Semitic Comments from Local Official in Chester, New York

New York, NY, September 17, 2018… The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today strongly condemned comments from a town supervisor in Orange County, calling the comments anti-Semitic and hateful. According to local reporting, Alex Jamieson, Town Supervisor of the town of Chester, New York, explained, “The idea is to keep the Hasidic [sic] out,” as the justification for a recent Town purchase of a nine-acre property, as well as the Town’s consideration of adopting

ADL New York / New Jersey Urges Jewish Institutions to ‘Think Security’ During Jewish High Holidays

New York, NY, September 4, 2018 … In advance of the Jewish High Holidays, ADL New York / New Jersey is reaching out to synagogues and Jewish community institutions across the region to provide information on security preparedness and to remind them to make security an everyday priority. ADL has shared a list of security best practices and encouraged institutions

ADL Continues to Monitor Extremist Activity Across New York and New Jersey

New York, NY, August 17, 2018 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has raised renewed concern over increasing levels of anti-Semitic and extremist activity across the country and specifically in New York and New Jersey.   Extremist activity by white supremacist groups is happening with increased frequency and audacity. These extremist actors include local chapters of KKK, Identity Evropa and other