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ADL Applauds Strong NYC Guidelines on Gender Identity and Expression Discrimination

  • December 22, 2015

New York, NY, December 22, 2015 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today applauded the release of new guidelines that clearly identify what constitutes gender identity and gender expression discrimination under the New York City Human Rights Law.

Discrimination based on gender identity and expression has been illegal under the New York City’s Human Rights law since 2002. The new guidelines provide explicit examples of discrimination so that employers, landlords, business owners, and the general public understand their obligations and rights under the law.

“We applaud New York City’s release of these comprehensive new guidelines that give concrete examples and information to the community about their obligations and rights,” said Evan R. Bernstein, ADL New York Regional Director. “The guidelines should serve as a model for cities and states around the country, including New York, particularly in light of Governor Cuomo’s recent directive that New York State Division of Human Rights issue regulations that extend protections against discrimination to cover gender identity, transgender status and gender dysphoria in the areas of employment, housing, public accommodations, education and credit. The guidelines reflect Mayor de Blasio and his team’s leadership on combatting discrimination and hate in New York City. ”

ADL has long urged support for LGBT inclusive anti-discrimination and hate crimes laws.