ADL Reports on Troubling Israel-Related Statements from Left-Wing Candidates
While criticism of Israel is part of a healthy political ecosystem. a segment of the left sometimes espouses ideas that go beyond legitimate critique and into antisemitic tropes. Others engage in rhetoric that is not antisemitic but which can have the effect of making many Jews feel ostracized or excluded. Some candidates in the 2022 election cycle who hail from the political left have embraced such themes related to Israel that range from incendiary to dangerous and antisemitic. A new report from ADL’s Center on Extremism exposes this troubling rhetoric and the candidates that have espoused them. The author of this report is Justin Finkelstein. He serves as an analyst in ADL’s Center on Extremism and was the guest on this show.
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This report is purely for informational purposes. As a 501(c)(3) organization, ADL takes no position on or behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for office.