Blog Archives

Every week, we write a roundup of the work we’ve been doing to keep you informed on what has been happening around the office. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into what keeps us busy each day. This week our Glass Leadership Institute had its final session, in which participants focused on development and leadership. We celebrated Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem

Week in Review

Every week, we write a roundup of the work we’ve been doing to keep you informed on what has been happening around the office. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into what keeps us busy each day. This week we celebrated our centennial with a summit and gala in Washington D.C. attended by over 1,000 people. Highlights included remarks by

Security Advisories Sent After Boston Bombings and Suspicious Mailings

The bomb blasts that killed three people and injured nearly 200 others at the Boston Marathon, and suspicious mailings to government officials prompted security advisories from ADL to Jewish Institutions. While no law enforcement authorities saw indications of a direct threat to Jewish institutions, ADL sent the advisories as a reminder for such institutions, often the targets of anti-Semitic extremists,