Blog Archives

2014 Bearing Witness Summer Institute: Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, and Contemporary Issues

ADL New York hosted its annual conference, ‘The Bettina (z’l) and Erwin Pearl Bearing Witness Summer Institute: Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, and Contemporary Issues,’ on July 28-31, 2014. Bearing Witness is designed exclusively for Catholic school educators—teachers and principals—to learn about the long history of Catholic-Jewish relations and cutting edge methods in Holocaust education for 21st century audiences. Bearing Witness was

2014 Charlotte and Jacques Wolf Educators’ Conference on Echoes and Reflections

ADL held its seventh annual Charlotte and Jacques Wolf Educators’ Conference on Echoes and Reflections at ADL’s New York headquarters from July 14th-18th. The five-day conference brought together 25 educators and community leaders from Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia to learn methods for teaching the Holocaust to twenty-first century young audiences. The

ADL Welcomes New York City High School Student Summer Interns

On Monday, July 7th, ADL welcomed 15 extraordinary high school students to participate in this year’s A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute Summer Internship Program. The students come from a variety of racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, and were selected based on their leadership qualities and experience in ADL’s Peer Trainer and Peer Leadership Programs, an initiative that empowers students to

ADL New York Regional Director Evan Bernstein Interviewed on News 12 After Anti-Semitic Vandalism is Found in Pearl River, New York

“The best way for us [ADL] to help, is to get into the school systems and synagogues and train people on how to respond to anti-Semitism and hate,” explains ADL New York Regional Director Evan Bernstein. ADL New York equips students, families, and community members with effective tools to combat and respond to anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias through our Confronting

Israel Under Attack: Share The Facts

LATEST UPDATE KEY POINTS ON OPERATION PROTECTIVE EDGE In response to unceasing rocket and missile fire on civilian centers in Israel, on July 7, Israel launched a military operation, codenamed “Operation Protective Edge”, targeting strategic Hamas facilities, tunnels, weapons and leadership. On July 17, following days of unceasing rocket fire, Israel expanded its military operation by sending IDF ground troops into