Blog Archives

Books Matter: The Power of Children’s Literature

Any­one who has ever read to or with a child—parent, fam­ily mem­ber, teacher or friend—knows books leave last­ing impres­sions. Beyond the edu­ca­tional ben­e­fits, books have the power to instill empa­thy, affirm, teach, trans­port and inspire action. Books matter. Empa­thy In expos­ing chil­dren to other people’s sto­ries and the moti­va­tions and feel­ings behind those nar­ra­tives, chil­dren begin to con­nect with oth­ers

Spotlight On: The Fisher Family Foundation

With immense gratitude and appreciation, ADL New York Region shines February’s spotlight on the Arlene & Daniel Fisher Family Foundation for their generous support of the New York Region’s Confronting Anti-Semitism (CAS) initiative. The CAS initiative, which includes programs for Jewish middle school, high school, and college students, focuses on raising awareness of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias. The 2-2.5 hour

A Centennial Celebration of a Life Devoted to Equal Rights: Beatrice Edelson the Centenarian

A generous tribute donation has been made by Dr. Kenneth L. Edelson in loving memory of his mother, Beatrice Edelson, who would have celebrated her 100th birthday Jan 11, 2015! Beatrice’s 100 year life was always devoted to ensuring people had equal rights, conquering social injustices and making sure prejudice bigotry and hatred were abolished from her community and the world around her, and

Only 2 Days Left to Make Your 2014 Gift to ADL!

JOIN ADL NY AND DONATE TO STOP HATE! There are just hours to go before ADL’s 2014 fundraising deadline and we want you to join us by making your 2014 tax-deductible gift to ADL. Your support has made the New York Region a leader in combating anti-Semitism, bigotry and hate. This year: 1 in 30 students throughout New York State

ADL New York Regional Board Chair Gregg M. Mashberg’s Letter to the Editor of the Daily Gazette: ‘Holocaust not same as Israel-Palestine’

On December 3, 2014, the Schenectady Daily Gazette published a deeply disturbing guest columnist’s article entitled ‘Reverend right to speak out on treatment of Palestinians.’ In his response to the newspaper, Mashberg clearly states that there can be no comparison made between Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and the atrocities committed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Holocaust not same as